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Schiacciata di Pasqua, Königin der Ostern in Siena

Schiacciata is a dessert spread all over Tuscany, especially in Pisa, Leghorn, and Siena. For those who have never tasted it, the Schiacciata di Pasqua or Ciaccia di Pasqua is a sweet cake made of flour, sugar, and eggs with a delicate anise flavor.

It is a recipe of ancient origin - it seems to date back to the mid-nineteenth century - which comes from the peasant tradition. During Lent, families gathered many eggs, which were then used to prepare the menu for Easter day. It is called "Schiacciata," just for the significant number of eggs to be crushed for the preparation.

This dessert is easy to make: those who wish can try their hand at preparing it by following the recipe step by step that we will shortly illustrate. Meanwhile, take note of all the ingredients you need.



• 1 kg of flour

• 35 g of brewer's yeast

• 4 eggs

• 250 g of sugar

• 1 orange and 1 lemon

• aniseed.



First, you need to prepare "Biga," which is the pre-dough. Dissolve the yeast in warm milk and gradually add the sifted flour. With the dough obtained, you'll have to form a ball and let it rise for at least 8 hours in a warm place.

Once the first rising phase is over, you can move on to make a well in the flour and place in the center the other ingredients. Start beating the eggs with a fork until they break, and then add the biga, along with another 25 grams of yeast dissolved in warm water. At this point, all you will have to do is knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. Now divide it into four balls and place each ball in a large, tall pan. Let rise in the oven for at least 4 hours, then bake the risen dough at 180 degrees for an hour.


Tips and pairings

If you prefer, you can also prepare the biga the day before, let it rise overnight, and resume the rest of the preparation the next day.

To further enrich the flavor of your Schiacciata, try soaking the aniseed seeds with a small glass of liqueur such as Rosolio or Sambuca. The result will be phenomenal.

The Schiacciata di Pasqua is a recipe that can be paired with a myriad of flavors. It can be consumed as a dessert and therefore accompanied by a liqueur such as Vin santo, another typical Tuscan product. On the other hand, those who are not very fond of sweets can have it to accompany the main meal, together with cold cuts and cheese and a glass of fine red wine.

Do not miss our latest post on this theme if you wish to learn more about the typical Tuscan and Sienese Easter desserts. You will find a series of delights that will whet your taste buds and appetite line by line.

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